Stained Glass Windows

Concordia Lutheran Church

There are four Nave Windows, each comprised of two lancets. Reading from the  entrance and progressing to the Chancel, the window iconography is as follows:
WINDOW ONE...recalls the Miracles of Christ. THe left Lancet shows the Stilling of the Tempest, and the right lancet shows the Changing of Water into Wine. The Stilling of the Tempest also presents the image of the boat which is the symbol of the Church.  Thus the window may also refer to Christ as Lord of the Church.   The Changing of Water into Wine not only illustrates Christ's mastery over nature, but also His concern for the physical needs of His people.
WINDOW TWO...recalls two parables of our Lord.  The left lancet refers to the Parable of the Seed that must fall into the ground and die before it can bring forth fruit.  Thus Christ speaks of His own death and resurrection.  The right lancet speaks of the Parable of the Sower.  In this parable, we are instructed concerning the will and Word of God and how it is received.
WINDOW THREE...recalls the ministry of Christ.  The left lancet depicts the Sermon on the Mount and shows the birds of the air, lilies of the field, and the lamps which are not hidden.  The right lancet recalls the commission to be Fishers of Men and go into the all the  world preaching and baptizing.  This window thus reminds us of our mission responsibilities.
WINDOW FOUR...refers to the sacraments established by Christ.  The left lancet recalls the Sacraments of Baptism and the right lancet that of the Lord’s Supper.  All of the Nave windows remind us not only of Christ’s life but also of God’s abiding presence.
ROSE WINDOW…The window in the balcony is referred to as the Te Deum window.  It depicts the Lord of Creation; illustrated are the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars.  The rain, the waters, the fields and the mountains are shown.  At the bottom center are Man and Woman, and from them issues a great trumpet—the symbol of praise which is our rightful response to the wonders of God’s gifts and mercies.



























